Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Work on Baby's Room and Digital Scrapbooking

I decided to go through and add a few pictures of what the nursery is turning into.  I am so happy with the results of Justin's room.  What you see in the above picture is the glider rocker that my brother Eric very kindly gave us to use in our nursery.  I bought the adorable striped pillow (with the tag hanging off, oops) with a gift certificate given to me from my mother-in-law, Brenda, for Christmas.  The picture above the chair is a fairy riding a frog that my Aunt Susan had made for me a few years ago at a ren, fair; I love that picture and it happened to match the wall color.  On the brown section of the wall up above I want to put both pictures of Justin and our family. 
 He has been wiggling like crazy since I hung out with Mom and Eric last night; I am not sure what his problem is!  Sleep does not come easily when someone is kicking you from the inside.  Especially when you cannot breath due to tiny little feet up under my ribs making less room for my lungs.

This is our crib.  The blanket hanging out is not yet finished, but I am going to have it quilted.  I also want to let the world know that I finally finished the top to the frog quilt kit that I have had for at least 5 years.  Even more importantly, Grandma Meek will be proud, I am almost finished with the Noah's Ark cross stitch that she bought me prior to my marriage!
As for my note about digital scrapbooking, I am going to give it a try.  My husband has been kind enough to let me research and find a program that I believe will work the best for me.  I became intrigued by digital scrapbooking after a Creative Memories party, which was really expensive.  As a matter of fact, I knew that I would want to scrapbook more now that Justin is on his way and so I had been asking around. I am really excited to have a way to scrapbook that does not leave a mess anywhere in my house (just on my husband's new computer : ) ).  

Monday, December 28, 2009

Our First Born...

As many of you may already know, we are excited to invite a new baby boy, Justin, into our lives.  He is due to be born on February 26, 2010.  We found out the wonderful news on July 3rd and I will never forget the situation for celebrating the 4th.  Nathan had to work on the 3rd and so I went to Rigby to spend the evening with my mom.  Mom and I went to the Waterstone housing development (the rich neighborhood) to watch Rigby's now annual fireworks.  Nathan called and said that he would be getting off work soon, that he would meet us there.  When he called, I said, "Where are you?" and he replied with, "Where are you, and my baby."  I must admit that it was my highlight of the summer.

Pregnancy has been an interesting new endeavor for Nathan and me. We have both gained some weight.  We have both gained a new perspective on life.  No longer are things just about us; which is tough since we are both the baby of our families.

Over the Christmas break we are doing a lot.  In fact, the attached pictures are of Nathan and I painting baby Justin's room.  I love it and it really wasn't that much work, for me anyway!  Nate has always been a trooper when I have said that I wanted something done with the house.  I helped tape everything off and did all of the detail work, that I could reach, while Nate did all of the real painting.  Enjoy the pics and welcome to our new blog!

About Me

My photo
Nathan and I have been married now for twelve years! We have accomplished a lot! It seems like only yesterday we were dating, and now we have two little ones to chase! Justin was born on the 26th of February 2010. Daphne on the 3rd of December 2011. I finished my degree in secondary ed. in spring 2007, and Nate finished his mechanical engineering degree spring 2010.