Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bed Rest! Really?!

As I have been experiencing some odd situations during my pregnancy, my doctor has placed me on bed rest.  I know that I am definitely not the only woman in the world that this has happened to, but they believe that I have pre-eclampsia and it is down right scary and dangerous.  It really started with some simple hot-flashes and a racing heart rate, and has turned into protein in my urine, extreme swelling, headaches, pubic pain, high blood pressure...just to name a few.  I had to go to the hospital tonight so that they could run some tests (drew some blood and taking A LOT of urine).  To be honest I am a bit nervous, but my doctor assured me that baby Justin is completely is me that is the problem!

What I am really saying is that I will be home on my back with my feet above my head a lot, so if you know any good books...hook me up!


  1. I know a fun girl who loves to hang out! She is WAY better than a book any day! So, don't ever hesitate to call this girl! She loves you and is praying for you!! ;)

  2. Hope you are getting lots of rest and letting Justin cook a little longer. I wish I knew a good book. I keep checking them out of the library but don't even get to crack it open before it's due back. I started the Wheel of Time but only got 80 pages in. I check out "Three Cups of Tea" but didn't even get to open it. I heard it was good though.


About Me

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Nathan and I have been married now for twelve years! We have accomplished a lot! It seems like only yesterday we were dating, and now we have two little ones to chase! Justin was born on the 26th of February 2010. Daphne on the 3rd of December 2011. I finished my degree in secondary ed. in spring 2007, and Nate finished his mechanical engineering degree spring 2010.