Ready...,Set..., GO! Were my sweet Justin's words as we were happily on
our way to Utah. On the way there I was able to feed Daphne (while she
was in her carseat) by sitting my own hi-knee down in the way back.
While I was there I discovered that my our daughter had finally cut her
first tooth! Yay Daphers!

The way there really was delightful and the kiddos were very good. Once at Thanksgiving point Justin immediately wanted to run. Our favorite room in the Museum of Ancient Life was one that I couldn't take a picture of because it was too dark. It was made to be like the heavens full of Stars. It was dark and there were tiny lights in the walls. Justin kept going back to that room. He really loved all of the activities that were hands on. It was the perfect place to take such a busy little fella. He enjoyed playing with the bones that you could build dinosaurs with (magnetized on a sheet metal wall). He enjoyed building a dino out of the stuffed dinosaur parts. But most of all he liked the gift shop. My silly little boy...sigh. We take him to a dinosaur museum and does he want to take home a stuffed dino? Absolutely not. He wanted a stuffed Meercat! We then went on to Joe's Crab Shack for dinner where there is an indoor play area, like McDonalds, for the little people. That evening I ran to the VF factory outlet, which was right behind our hotel, and found some screaming deals! After that very quick shopping trip I took Justin for a swim and then it was off to bed. We all sorta slept...a two year old in a new place is tough!

The next morning we got up and headed to Hogle Zoo. It was pretty fun, but Justin was really tired and the zoo was extremely busy. Hard on Nate who is not so keen on that large of a social group. Justin especially seems to enjoy the monkeys and I was able to see my two favorite animals, the giraffes and the camels.

After the zoo we found a Taco Time and had lunch. We then went downtown to Temple Square and found that parking was free for the day! I was really excited about that! We went into the North Temple Visitor's Center and saw the Christos Statue. Justin delighted those around us throughout the center as he kept pointing to pictures of Jesus and saying, "Jesus". I must admit that it was super cute. Then we went into the tabernacle, walked the grounds, took some pictures and headed for north.
We stopped in Garland, Nate's old haunt, and went to see an old neighbor of his. They have two llamas and an alpaca which Justin enjoyed seeing. Overall it was a great trip. I am so glad that we were able to go. I now want to take Justin down at Christmas time to see the lights. It would be so fun!