tatoos (that of course my kids are afraid of), coloring, story telling and showtime, a magician, a food booth, sidewalk chalk and bubbles, and of course my kids favorite was playing with the trains and building with mega blocks.
Then after you had visited the tents and had your map stamped you got to go get a special prize which was a sticker page and stickers. By the time we had visited all the stations like three times, which my kids loved, it was time to ride the train. It was a perfect rendition of Thomas!
Believe it or not even after the drive the kids were really good! They played and we ate. Unfortunately they did not eat! Oh well. We headed back to the hotel and immediately changed our clothes to go swimming. At first the kids were skeptical, but I explained to both of them that it was a big bathtub with water Mommy wouldn't yell at them for splashing all over the bathroom. Justin thought that was pretty funny. I also told them that Nate and I would hold them the whole time and that they were safe. They really liked it, but it was getting late so we had to return to the room. I think the kids would have stayed all night!
Justin (and Mankie) with Thomas the Train! |
Saturday morning we got up and had a few mishaps. Justin did not sleep too well through the night so Mom and Dad were pretty beat. While I was blow drying my hair, Justin made his first 911 call. He commented to Nate that someone was talking to him, but we didn't think anything of it until the knock came at our door! Ugh. I guess every kid does it at least once! LOL!
Adventures for the day were planned and off we went! We first went just a mile or two down the road to "The Living Planet Aquarium".
It had been a recommendation from Lisa, Jeremy, and Walker. The recommendation was really a good one! That place is cool! It is right in Sandy and super easy to find so if you ever are down there and have the chance I highly recommend it as well. I think we were there super early compared to the usual crowd, at about 9:20. They had just fed the otters and they were eating and playing in all the pools, when we went back to see them before leaving they were all curled up together and asleep.
I am really glad that Justin and Daphne got to see them while they were up and moving. Like so many other places, the aquarium had a giant frog for the kids and I to sit on! I have now had my picture taken with like five of these giant frogs. If you know of any more across the nation please let me know. I wanna make it a goal to have my picture taken with all of them!!
Ikea was our next stop as Nate and the kids had never been there. I think that they were overwhelmed the same way I was the first time Natalie took me! We still spent more than we should have, but we did bring chocolate home and that's what's important!
After Ikea the kids were starving, but I couldn't talk Justin into eating at Ikea. He wanted to stay and play with the train table though. Stupid Mom, she didn't even buy him a train. So if anyone is making a trip, let me know!! Nate and I had seen a Carl's Jr with a play place so we made that our destination. We decide that Idaho Falls really need one! We actually had hot Carl's Jr! After lunch we headed North with only one more stop in Mom's mind. I wanted to go to Tai Pan Trading. We went to the one in Clearfield, just North of Layton.
The entire trip was definitely not the easiest I have ever made, little kids who get sick of the car easily and siblings who won't let each other sleep made it difficult as well. I also have a cold so I am sure it made me more irritable.
HOWEVER, I am so very blessed to have this amazing little family that I love so deeply. I have an amazing husband who is ready and willing to go on any adventure. This leads me to believe that it is going to be an amazing summer with lots of fabulous adventuring ahead of us!
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