Sunday, March 28, 2010

Note: Low quality until April 1st

There are many more to come...However, if there are certain ones of these that you would like copies of, please let me know and I will do my best to get them for you.  All my love!


  1. I want lots of copies! I can put them in my office!! ;)

  2. I would love a copy of the first one or all of them lol. They are all wonderful pictures!


About Me

My photo
Nathan and I have been married now for twelve years! We have accomplished a lot! It seems like only yesterday we were dating, and now we have two little ones to chase! Justin was born on the 26th of February 2010. Daphne on the 3rd of December 2011. I finished my degree in secondary ed. in spring 2007, and Nate finished his mechanical engineering degree spring 2010.