This week has been a whirlwind of activity! I seriously don't think that I have been this busy since I was student teaching! Monday I did all of my normal activities, i.e.: took care of my son, went to the gym, worked on my weight, etc. but I also worked on cleaning up my craft room (dining room) and began going through my closet. Tuesday I did all of the same plus found my self cleaning out Justin's closet (which took a while considering I still had craft stuff and some of his non-fitting clothes filling the bottom) so that I could put a bookshelf in there for all of the books that have been taking over his room!

On Wednesday I continued working on my dining room plus I cleaned out my fridge and babysat my very gorgeous neices, Abi and Leah, in the evening. It was such a blast to have them here! I sincerely love getting to spend time with kiddos who love to be rough housed with, Leah went crazy over the fact that I was tickling and playing with Justin and wanted some attention too! I also picked up pictures from Sam's club so that I could finally finish the white frames, which I have been collecting for years to put on our newly painted walls in the basement. Then Thursday was really crazy as my carpet was put in.

After the carpet was in I really wanted to put up all of the frames I just finished, so I designed my green wall in the basement. Nate was amazingly helpful as he has the know-how when it comes to putting holes in his new walls. : ) Friday I made cupcakes and then Natalie came over in the evening so that we could decorate them together; it was so much fun! Saturday I spent most of the day, after going to yoga, cleaning my house so that it would be good to go for the party. Justin's party turned out awesome!

We started with pizza and salad for the grandmas. Then as everyone in our wonderful family started to show up we had tons of fun showing off our newly finished basement. The enjoyment of having my family there to celebrate little Justin's first birthday was truly a blessing and I am so glad that they could all live so close and be able to enjoy the occasion with us. We enjoyed those fun monkey cupcakes and then opened a plethora of presents provided by the guests. I think Justin now officially has more toys than his father has tools. I cannot believe that he has grown so fast and this past year has been the hardest and yet the most wonderful of my life. I love you, Justin. I am so glad that you are a part of our family. Daddy and I enjoy your antics, giggles, and dancing everyday.
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