Sunday, January 23, 2011

Eleven Months Old

 Justin and I had a great week heading to the gym everyday to get in some workout time!  He seems to do just fine for an hour or so in their daycare, which is really affordable at just $1.75 an hour!  At first I didn't think that I could handle letting him stay with strangers, but it turns out that every single one of the ladies in there are Mom's like me!  They work at the gym and earn a gym membership.  Doesn't sound like a deal to me...but if it works for them!?!  I have already lost 6 lbs., the only downfall of the gym seems to be that we both have a cold now and neither one of us feels very good.  It is really all sinus, but that leads to the headache and the sore throat.
     I had to add this first picture.  I just thought the look on his face, with that little tongue that is always out is so precious.  His true colors always shine through for bath time!  He has a cold, as do I, and believe it or not he did not feel good at all this day...but he was and is always so delighted for bath time.  This also gives us a good look at all of the weight he has gained in the past three months or so.  I was so worried about him being uber skinny, but he has filled out.  He has always been an awesome little eater; this week he tried grilled cheese, shepherd's pie, and tonight he fell in love with this pork dish that I made.  It is wonderful that he loves to eat as much as Nathan and I do!  The second picture is one that I know many of you may think is so not for you, but for those of you who love kitties as much as I do I know that you understand!  Justin has been so gentle lately with my cats!  I believe that he is figuring out that if you are gentle and nice with them, they will stay!  He still loves to chase this particular cat, Spaz, as she never gets close enough for him to do anything but look.  Nathan was able to grab her and let Justin touch her and this adorable pic is the result!  Oh and for those of you freaking out about the cat germs, we washed his hands after this endeavor.
     I just cannot believe that he is 11 months old this week!  He has grown amazingly fast and he is so much fun to play with now!  Yesterday for the first time he gave me 5!  It such a neat feeling and then because I clapped and cheered he thought he was really hot stuff too!  He also has taken about 5 steps in a row before he either grabs on to something or falls on his keaster!  It is Sunday night and getting late no more Nate support tomorrow as he is back to his new job, which he really likes!

1 comment:

  1. He's getting so big. It is fun to see the changes from when he was a baby. He is really becoming a little boy.


About Me

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Nathan and I have been married now for twelve years! We have accomplished a lot! It seems like only yesterday we were dating, and now we have two little ones to chase! Justin was born on the 26th of February 2010. Daphne on the 3rd of December 2011. I finished my degree in secondary ed. in spring 2007, and Nate finished his mechanical engineering degree spring 2010.